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SynergyDE allow variable definition as repository template

We use repository templates for many things.  They have the data type and size amongst other things.  How about we have the ability to define local variables in a subroutine/function using repository templates so they match what we do in the repository.

We currently have to define and keep these up to date separately, but perhaps the language can help here?  

For example we currently do this to be able to only update 1 thing when we could just be using repository templates somehow?

.define TPL$$AIRLINE$ a3
.define TPL$$ANALYSIS$ a8
.define TPL$$APIREF$ a10
.define TPL$$AREA$ a6
.define TPL$$AREA_CODE_SFX$ a5
.define TPL$$ACCTYPE$ a2
.define TPL$$POST_CODE$ a11
.define TPL$$BATCH$ a10
.define TPL$$BERTHS$ a3
.define TPL$$BUTTON$ a3

0 Comments | Posted by Andrew Thornton to Synergy DBL on 3/25/2022 3:55 PM
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